Meanwhile, In Another Part of the Forest

It has become increasingly difficult for me NOT to write about the current state of the American presidency.  Every day we see a new leak, a new revelation, a new entry into the annals of America’s descent into the black hole of world political suicide.  The legitimate, investigative press is working overtime to piece together some semblance of the truth about how all of the threads came together to produce the sack cloth that now covers the White House.

At the same time, what more can be said that hasn’t already been said?  How many times do we have to read about how moronic, ethically corrupt, illiterate, perhaps mentally unstable, and destructive this president is?  It becomes mind-numbing, and the last thing we need right now is more numb minds.  The last thing we need is for people to give up, turn off, and retreat into their daily routines. Continue reading

Why Bernie

Pleasant Progressive LogoMore than a few Democrats I love and respect are considering supporting Bernie Sanders in the 2016 presidential primary election. The Democratic field is all of two people, and the other candidate is a household name with exceptional political pedigree—so the decision to vote for a relatively unknown “democratic socialist” Senator from Vermont is not the path of least resistance. If you’re a Bernie fan, I assume you’ve chosen to support him because you’ve read, you’ve studied, and you’ve differentiated. If you’re on the fence, I ask that you do just a bit more reading, studying, and differentiating before you buy into “feeling the Bern.” I respectfully submit the following six questions for your consideration in this effort. Continue reading